Rylee Gabel

Chameleon. Artist. Strategist

How to Create an eBook in 5 Easy Steps


You might not think you will ever create an eBook, until you have a class that requires it! As far as eBooks go, I have not created one until my Social Media Strategies Class I took at Western Technical College. This book was an effort of the entire class and included different types of social media and how businesses can use them. I am however familiar with social media since I have been running The Grove Golf Course’s social media pages for the past 2 years. 


At first, I could not wrap my head around creating an eBook and then I realized I could use these 5 easy steps to follow!


1. Research Your Content



Before you do anything with your eBook, you need to do some research on the information you choose to put into the book. Trust me when I say this, it is super hard to create an effective eBook without doing the research and just plopping information into the book.


When researching you should try to find relevant data for your audience. If you chose to pick a topic about how COVID-19 effects social media, chances are the information you find will be current since this pandemic started a year ago and is still going.


Once your done with your content research you can now do research on the eBook template! 

2. Create Your Content 



When creating your content, it is important to think of your audience. For the eBook my class created, it was geared towards businesses looking to use social media to advertise on so the content in the book is only going to include information that is important for that topic.


If you wrote a book on how to dress professionally, do not gauge your audience to be clowns. A clown would not read a book about how to dress professionally, unless he might be going on a date! In that case you could recommend dressing professional.


For content, writing will get your point across but also add pictures, charts, or diagrams if you can. Also use examples to keep you readers engaged.

3. Discuss With Your Team (If You Are Doing it as a Team)



Once you are done with your section of the book, check with the rest of the team to see where they are at. This step you will also divide up and create about the authors sections, table of contents, title, introduction, and conclusion. 


After adding these sections, the book should be put together and looks done! But wait, there is more…

4. Revise and Edit



Once the book is created make sure that there are no grammar issues, everything is similar (font and size), and you cite your work! Even if you are creating a book by yourself make sure you edit it properly. 


If there are mistakes, fix them and save your work. This step should be one of the easiest but might take some time.

5. Final Product is Ready to Go



This is the best step because your eBook is done! Be happy, be proud! 


During this step is when you will also post you eBook to a personal website, social media account, etc. so you can show the world what you created. This is also where your audience is going to have a chance to say what they thought about your eBook.


Give yourself a pat on the back!




I told you they were easy steps to follow, but it will take time for your eBook to come together. Overall, I learned more about different social media platforms and got the chance to create an effective and well-thought out eBook!


Now it is your turn to try it! If you feel strong about a certain topic or are picked to create an eBook for class, try using these steps to create your own book.


If you need an example, here is the eBook my class created.

Social Media Platforms eBook Fall 2020


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