Rylee Gabel

Chameleon. Artist. Strategist

3 Retail Trends that 2020 Brought

               Since the pandemic hit the United States in 2020, retail stores have not been the same. Some have struggled, some have pushed through, and others have perished, being forced to shut down. Since then, retail stores have been compelled to try new and innovative trends to survive. Its insane to think this started only a year ago and how much change has come from the pandemic. No matter what is thrown at the world, there will always be new trends to help retail stores persist. 

1. Online to Offline 

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While many retailers see benefits to moving their stores fully online, other stores see more benefits to moving their online stores offline. Getting a store space allows for consumers to see the products as well as feel them. According to 5 Retail Trends to Watch in 2020 | Inc.com, stores have went as far as to ask customers to apply to volunteer their backyards as showrooms for shoppers to see products in a real home setting.


As much as I love to online shop (trust me, I really do!), I would rather try on my outfit or sit on a couch instead of ordering the product and being upset. This is such a great opportunity for businesses to try different methods to connect with their customers. 


2. Same-Day Delivery 

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I always thought that it was such a great idea to have next day delivery for ecommerce stores because it gives that company an edge that not many others have. However, right now, next day delivery might not even be good enough. Amazon Prime set the expectations high for other ecommerce stores and retail stores due to free same-day delivery.


Same day delivery is an option that many retailers are considering and is a way for consumers to stay loyal to certain companies. If I see more same-day delivery options when I am shopping, there will be no limit to what I will purchase!


3. Stores Delivering to the Door

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The blog post, Should store associates deliver online orders? – RetailWire, mentioned that Zumiez, a store that sells skateboards, accessories, shoes, and clothing, was exploring ways to show customers their products. One idea was if someone were to order a skateboard online, that a sales associate would bring the skateboard to the house. This is a creative idea for customers to be able to receiver products straight from the store and try them out right away. Maybe I would even try skateboarding...For now, I will stick with walking!



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Retail will never be the same as it was a year ago. Everyday retail stores and chains are progressing from change and innovation. 3 trends that occurred during 2020 were moving online stores to an offline setting, same-day delivery, and retail stores delivering products straight from the store to the customer's house. Due to these trends, retail will continue to evolve and stores will remain in business. 


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